Just a quick updates on the things happening around me in October:
Deasy is back again for a short break, she seems to be happier and more relax as compared in Jakarta and most importanly she LOST WEIGH. That's really good for her ya! Besides that, I meet up with her together with Chen Hui and Feby & family. Its has been great to see them again, chatting and laughing out jokes that stires up past memories.
Deasy & me @ ViVo City
Ethan -> That's his name. My dearest nelphew, turns 1 month old on 13 October! Ping held a catering at her place inviting her families and friends to celebrate Ethan's baby shower. Ethan seem has grown bigger ever since I last seen him on the past 2 weeks. He is quite a cheesy baby, who always want people to carry him on hands ya.
That's Ethan @ his FULL MONTH celebration.
Next, which is Jiabi and Shimin's birthdays. Oh well, I have to apologise for not able to attend their celebrations cos of my busy schedule. I guess you guys have a great birthday celebrations ya. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to guys once again, hope you have a great year by year!
Oh ya... not forgetting about Connie's wedding on 25 Oct as well. Her wedding is a indeed a special one. This is my 1st time experiencing a STAR WAR's theme wedding with the clips of STAR WAR's troops and the outfits of STAR WAR's worn by the groom and brothers for the march in. I guess Connie and her husband are typically STAR WAR's fans ya.